Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Genital Herpes More Condition_symptoms Can People With Genital Herpes Still Have More Children?

Can people with genital herpes still have more children? - genital herpes more condition_symptoms

I am 22 and I am married and 5 months pregnant with my second child (first), we want more children in the future when we finally learn to cope. In our relationship, neither of us are monogamous, promiscuous each other and have a few answers.


BabyRN said...

Absolutely NOT OK and not be subjected to a caesarean section. I'd say about 5-10% of my patients, a state that has a history of genital herpes in prenatal (and there are only those who admit it), and many of them delivered vaginally. It depends largely on how long you were and how often their taste buds well and is in recognition of her and treat her. Our OB is generally Valtrex our patients in the prophylactic treatment prior to delivery. I think in the last two years I had a patient who has an outbreak during labor and in this case, even had that was delivered by Caesarean section.

However, this plan should be discussed with the OB so many different views on a safe course of action. I just wanted to let you that herpes is not as terrible as it seems at first glance fit most people live their lives quietly, without any significant difference, especially if they are already married. And the first house is always the worst is not always as it is now.

I ReadQuestion UR and realized that she was pregnant. There's your first home and now there are already five months pregnant, the doctor may feel more comfortable giving a caesarean section, because infection is so young.

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